The West always remained riveted to the external world.Seldom did it try to seek out answers to the complex questions of body and soul.The West hardly bothered to know how body and soul came into being,and what all we could do to extend the frontiers of human environment.Instead it remained bogged down merely in the external trappings of customs,modes of living ,eating habits and culture and civilisation.The West was merely interested in exhibiting its deeds.It was merely interested in showing off its superiority.The Western idea was that man is what he himself wills to be.
Hence West tried to enrich only the external trappings of the human body.Obsessed as it was with only physical comforts and leisurely life the West brought into existence a whole body of science as also a series of inventions.The exercise led only to the tilting of the sensualness of the human flesh.
Needless to say the outcome of the Western obsession led to a precipitate shrinking of man's wider canvas.When he found himself reduced to narrower concerns,the Western man set out to dominate others,approves the weaker sections and seek fulfilment in founding and extending imperialist empires.Soon,however,he had good cause to realise that this entire exercise - the manner as well as the object - ended up in utter futility.For he found that despite possession of empires and extension of materialistic claptrap spiritual peace continued to elude him.
Eventually as West turned its attention to India,it found in this country,an innate tranquility.When Westerners advanced into the dark,thick foliage of the Indian forests ,there they saw scantily clad Sadhus,sparkling with a radiance of their own .It was this discovery which made West turn its attention to East,particularly India.
Peace do not stem from the showy outward trappings of civilisation ,but it can only be achieved by doing meditation and Tantra.
--- From Practical Hypnotism by Gurudev Shrimali ji
Needless to say the outcome of the Western obsession led to a precipitate shrinking of man's wider canvas.When he found himself reduced to narrower concerns,the Western man set out to dominate others,approves the weaker sections and seek fulfilment in founding and extending imperialist empires.Soon,however,he had good cause to realise that this entire exercise - the manner as well as the object - ended up in utter futility.For he found that despite possession of empires and extension of materialistic claptrap spiritual peace continued to elude him.
Eventually as West turned its attention to India,it found in this country,an innate tranquility.When Westerners advanced into the dark,thick foliage of the Indian forests ,there they saw scantily clad Sadhus,sparkling with a radiance of their own .It was this discovery which made West turn its attention to East,particularly India.
Peace do not stem from the showy outward trappings of civilisation ,but it can only be achieved by doing meditation and Tantra.
--- From Practical Hypnotism by Gurudev Shrimali ji