- Drinking lemon or neembu mixed with water prevents excess heat.
- Increases ability to fight against diseases
- Taking lemon juice after food increases digestive power
- Vitamin-C in lemon gives anal health,helps intestine and lungs
- Jaundice patients gets relief by taking lemon juice mixed with water and sugar
- Taking lemon by sprinkling salt and little pepper helps in dizziness & vomiting
- Lemon improves taste of vegetable curry and dal
Malaria Fever :
Taking lemon heated after sprinkling powdered pepper on it gives relief in malaria fever
Stomach pain,Constipation & indigestion :
Taking lemon juice mixed in warm water at night cures constipation
Taking lemon juice with ginger juice and little sugar cures stomach pain
Taking lemon tea prevents gas problems and keeps you healthy
Itching by worm (daad):
Adding chest nut (singhara) paste in lemon juice and applying cures itching
Low blood count :
Drink lemon juice with tomato juice mixed together
Take half cup carrot juice adding lemon juice in it
Take half cup paalak juice with lemon juice mixed
Applying lemon juice on hair prevents dandruff
Massaging hair using coconut oil mixed with lemon juice and camphor prevents hair disease
Bathing in water in which lemon juice is mixed for one week keeps hair soft and prevents hairfall
Applying ginger juice mixed equally with lemon juice kills lice in head
Lemon in Kitchen:
Putting 5 - 6 drops of lemon juice in rice while cooking keeps rice grains each separate
Putting 4 - 5 drops of lemon juice while cooking cauliflower prevents smell
Paneer can be made by putting lemon juice in milk, which keeps health fit
Smell of onion or garlic on hands can be removed by rubbing lemon skin on hand
Heart disease:
Heart patients and high blood pressure patients should drink lemon water three times a day, which is good for health
Caution : People who have COLD OR COUGH should not take lemon
Jai gurudev..your blog is Excellent. Very useful stuff.god bless you