Wednesday, March 8, 2023


 Vatsyayana wrote Kamasutra based on SiddhiDaatri apsara sadhana done by him under the guidance of his Guru 

Sadhana mantra
ll Om shreem manovinodinnyei apsaraayei siddhim namah shreem om ll

(Sadhana given in Narayan mantra sadhana vigyan November 2011 patrika)
For Packet you can contact Narayan mantra sadhana vigyan magazine patrika at Jodhpur address which can be obtained from Nmsv website -

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Astronomical observations have proven that there are two approaches in Indian astrological sytem .

 Nakshatra vigyan has surya vigyan in it. So sidereal astrology is considered authentic in indian vedic astrology.

( sapta rishi constellation given below)

sapta rishi constellation is considered as seven mothers in india - sapta mata is connected with sapta sindhu ,sapta rishi ,sapta jihva and sapta dweepa in india.

The theory which is connected with sapta jihva is nakshtra siddhanta of pulatsya rishi .

Pulatsya rishis theory is supreme in nakshtra vigyan and surya siddhanta was by Aryabhatta as taken from greek astronomers of that era .

Polar cordinates and spherical cordinates indicates that there are two approaches in mathematical astrology.

One is based on calculations made as earth as reference .The other is bija ganitha approach( surya vigyan approach) has been revealed as darshana for yogi by mother nature to indian rishis and saints.The first approach based on nakshatra vigyan is drik ganitha which is calculated using rectangular geometrical coordinates and not the complicated spherical geometrical coordinates in Surya vigyan theory. Polar coordinates(rectangular) indicates trigonometry and sine,cosine angles for calculating distance and locating the sun star at the centre of the milky way universe . The calculation among such parallel worlds looks complicated but they maintain uniform gap as shown in 27 nakshatra system of  Indian astrology;  so interstellar geometrical calculations are easy as well. 

This leads to agam and nigam in Tantra . Agam considers surya as nakshatra ,while the vedic nigama considers surya as the centre bindu which is evolved from black hole theory.

Nakshatra and tara gana forms full details of planetary sytem in the stellar world . 

The centre nakshatra is dhruva nakshatra as seen from earth  Shukra graha is near to earth, so calculation is possible with medium level of difficulty itself. This is the complete theory of Nakshatra vigyan of Indian Astronomy 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Svapneshvari sadhana ( Durga Devi) can be done to avoid dangerous dreams 

Svapneshvari mantra gives good dreams only ,bad dreams never comes in sleep 

Svapneshvari mantra 

Durga devi namasthubyam sarva kaamartha saadhike 

Sarva siddhimasidhim vaa svapne sarvam pradarshaya 

Sunday, November 6, 2022


 KAJU and BADAAM should be taken together in equal quantity ,crush it and make it as paste .

Apply on hair while taking bath and your hair would become soft and silky .

This helps in healthy hair growth as well.

Monday, July 18, 2022


 Karagre basati lakshmi Karamadhye Sarasvati

Karaprishte Sthito Bramha Prabhate Karadarshanam

The above two lines are enough to prove the importance of the hand. It is not only a palm but an abode of all gods, religiously and spiritually speaking. In fact,prophesying (future telling) is the highest attainment of our age because there is so much strife and struggle in the present time as it never was.

Astrology has many branches. Palmistry is important and authentic because its results are clear. In the other branches of Astrology, the moment of birth of a person has a very important role to play and if the moment of birth is not fully sure, then there will be difference in the results of the forecasts.

So, there are 4 fingers and 1 thumb in every man's hand. 

Thumb - angushta , it has 2 phalanges 

Index finger - Tarjani - three phalanges

The finger of Saturn - Madhyama in Sanskrit 

The finger of Appolo - Anamika

The Little Finger or the Finger of Mercury Kanishttika

Five fingers represents the five elements in nature:

little finger ( Kanishttika) - Earth element - Mooladhara chakra

Finger of Appolo ( Anamika) - Water element - Swadhishttana chakra

Finger of Saturn ( Madhyama) - Fire element - Manipura chakra

Index finger ( Tarjani) - Air element - Anahat chakra

Thumb - Angushta - Sky element - Vishudha chakra

( The entire creation is a play of these five elements )

Venus mount comes under thumb

Jupiter mount comes under index finger

Saturn comes under Middle finger

Sun comes under ring finger

Mercury comes under little finger

Other mounts are Moon, Mars Dragon's head - Dragon's tail Harshala Neptune and Pluto

Now there are Seven Main lines (Life line, Head line , Heart line, Line of Sun, Fate line, Health line and Marriage line or Love line )     and 

Twelve Secondary lines ( Ring of Jupiter, Line of Mars, Ring of Saturn, Ring of Appolo, Ring of Venus, Ring of Moon, Line of brilliance, Journey line, Children line, Bracelets, Casual lines , High post lines ) 

The Fate of a person enters as Prana shakti transmitted by various planets and enter our brain through our fingers.So above lines shows the flow of prana shakti , its relative importance in deciding the fate of the person , these lines indicate flow of energy between these mounts which represents planets.

Depending on the combinations of prominent mounts in the palm of a person , his character and fate can be evaluated,

Now , there are signs in the hand which appears upon these mounts and even in the phalanges in fingers

Lines, Several lines,Lines intersecting each other, Point, Cross, Star, Square, Circle, Triangle ,Net

Signs and symbols in hand :  Upon mounts there appears Sign of Sun, Sign of Saturn, Sign of Jupiter, Sign of Mercury, Sign of Venus, Sign of Moon and Sign of Mars

And there exist Rashi symbols and the graha (planet) symbols in hand which helps in horoscope making when birth date and time are not sure  ( there are 12 Rashi or houses in astrology).This is a topic of  research in Palmistry as given in Gurujis Subodh hastha rekha

 The other significant signs on hand include Triangles, Crosses, Points, Circles, Islands, Squares, Nets & Stars.

There exists around 240 Astrological combinations or Yogas which has been explained in the book Practical Palmistry available in Hindi and English by Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali ji

Now lets us try understanding the idea of depicting ones fate by painting lines on palm by the Creator

For example , Matsya yog or Fish combination exists if the mount of Venus is developed, the thumb is thin,long and slightly inclined back and along with it if the line of the Sun is ladder shaped

Such a person is correct and accurate fortune teller, he progresses by his wisdom. 

Fish combination has Venus and Sun in it . Fish is connected with water element ( ring finger) and the mount below it is Sun . So, Fish is related with love ,since fish dies immediately as soon as taken from water, it wont live outside water . And Venus is the planet of Love and beauty. Fish has love for water in which it live ,it is related to swadhishttana chakra.Venus mount developed makes ones good in fortune telling .The source of prana shakti is Sun right? the basis in astrology.

Gandharva Yog or Combination of Musicians - If the mount of Venus in both the hands is fully developed and it has a mark of square on it, with the Sun line and the mount of Sun as prominent and clear, then it is called Gandharva yoga. Venus is below sky element and Sunmount  is  below water element right? So gandharva (demi gods in heaven) are related with water element and sky or ether as we see it . Arts ,music and highest shastras are known to the Gandharvas

The remaining grahas Mars is related with blood ,placed between the air and sky elements .Infact there is Progressive Mars and Regressive Mars in our hand and can be studied similarly based on elements which represent the chakras 

Moon represent our mind and Sun is our soul. 

Dragon's head is in the area below the Head line and are surrounded by the mounts of Moon, Mars and Venus. The fate line passes over this mount while going towards mount of Saturn .

Dragon's tail mount is located a little above the bracelets, dividing the mounts of Venus and Moon 

Pluto is Indra. Then there are Harshala mount and Neptune mount as well which are studied along.

So , Palmistry can be studied in the perspective of Tantra with Chakras and five elements which gives us deeper insight into the character and fate of an individual . It requires constant study of many Hand palm pictures.

Sunday, March 20, 2022


When you face acidity and digestion problems, you can get quick relief with the below Ayurvedic remedy. Cut a lemon into two halves and keep it in an oven for two minutes to make it soft.

Take the lemon out and sprinkle pepper powder on each half , then hold lemon in your mouth and suck lemon juice with the pepper powder 

Acidity and stomach trouble gets cured instantly  

Yogic exercise,Surya Namaskar also can stop digestion problems and control obesity.


Close to 50 % of the general population is believed to suffer from insomnia, inability or total lack of sleep.If you are not getting sufficient sleep,then this Ayurvedic medicine can help you.

Take ten tola water,and put khus khus (Indian name) in it. Boil it till only one tola of water remains.Drinking this water ensures sound sleep.

1 tola is around 11.6 gram (ml) as per ancient Indian system of measurement.

People above fourty years age gets more anger sometimes and too much thinking goes on in their mind due to vata imbalance as per Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Vata is movement energy ,Pitha is digestive energy and Kapha is lubricative energy in our body .

Extra heat in nervous system causes such problems due to energy imbalance in third eye chakra

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Gyan ,when combines with Kriya, becomes Vidya. One knows theoretically about something but doesnot know practical aspect. The theoretical siddhanta is gyan .He can know the kriya aspect of it only by the blessings of Mother saraswati. Matangi devi is tantrokth form of saraswati.

Be it about music,agriculture,art,science,
just knowing theory is not enough ,one need to get the kriya aspect or practical aspect.Devi matangi is the goddess of Vidya tatva.By Her blessings Kriya shakti comes in sadhak's mind.

Vishnu bhagwan for the first time started worship of Devi Matangi. In buddhist religion ,She is called Matagiri.Matangi devi has eight shakti with her.

Between Gyan and kriya, 

When gyan dominates then it is Sadashiv tatva

When kriya dominates then it is Maheshvar tatva.  And when gyan and kriya are in equal proportion ,it is Shuddh Vidhyatmak tatva

Shakti has many forms . 

Below Kali is Shiva,Tara has Shiva on her head and Shiva is in front of Bagla devi .Matangi devi runs the chariot of Shree vidhya Tripura sundari and is her advisor.

Friday, February 11, 2022


Navdurga represent nine forms of devi durga They are classified as follows

Four of them represent Sato gun.Four of them represent Rajo gun.One represent Tamo gun

Rajasic - Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani. They travel on Simha vahan 

Satvic - Shailaputri,Brahmacharini,Mahagauri,Siddhidaatri.Two of them travel on Lord Shiva's Vrishabh vahan and two of the devis are without vahan

Tamasic - Kaal Ratri.She travels on gadharbh vahan

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 When Sadhak enters the world of higher level sadhanas ,Guru advises him to maintain brahmacharya paalan .

This means energy should not flow down ,whose nature is that of veerya and raj .Your chakras should get opened one by one by upward flow of this energy. Thus Kundalini Jaagran sadhana is basically Stambhan sadhana, which prevents energy loss

Vaartali devi is lord Shiva's intense tantra stambhan power.This means your chethana shakti is getting intense. Vaartali sadhana is an important part of Shiva sadhana.

She does eliminating enemies, maaran,vidveshan and stambhan and help you overcome difficult situation in life.

Vaartali Stambhan maha mantra sadhana can be performed on coming gupt navaratri - 02 Feb 2022 to 10 Feb 2022 by getting deeksha from gurudev and chanting the mantra 108 times at night daily through out navartri