In order to activate our Kundalini, we should practice Bhasrika and Pranayam.After muladhara chakra, kundalini reaches swadhishthan chakra. When we breathe fast and deep, the Kundalini is activated and one gets excited. Thus the sexual passions are ignited. And when it rises up, sexual desires are not aroused. Then a glow, a radiance appears on the face of the person and it is filled with such magnetism, that whoever looks at him gets attracted towards him.

When Kundalini reaches Manipur Chakra, if the person meditates, he gets lost in true joy called Anand. At the next Chakra called Anahata, the door to universe is opened up. Not only this, a person becomes capable of looking back into his past twenty-five births, on reaching the Anahat Chakra.The sun, moon and the whole universe, appear before him.He becomes capable of not only seeing the universe, but also establishing it in his own body. That was how lord krishna showed Arjuna the battle going on in his own body.
After this stage,the rising of Shakti is nothing but the elevation of the soul to spiritual heights.Bhasrika, Pranayam are stopped. From this point onward the Shakti can be raised through an explosion, which only a Guru can provide.
The Guru does Shaktipaat, through which his divine powers are transferred into the disciple. Goddess Saraswati establishes herself in the person's vocal chords at the Vishudha Chakra. Then comes third eye and the thousand petalled Sahasraar Chakra.