A person can follow two approaches for hypnotising anyone in life.The first one is called "Vashikaran" and the second "Sammohan".
Vashikaran is normally done to hypnotise a specific person whereas Sammohan is the process to capture a divine aura around oneself so that whosoever comes in the contact of such a person gets attracted towards him.Thus it is wiser to get success in Sammohan sadhana as we dont have to perform Vashikaran sadhana for each and every individual who comes in our contact.
Easiest way to achieve Sammohan is to receive Sammohan deeksha from Gurudev.Another one,a bit tedious process is tratak .

Easiest way to achieve Sammohan is to receive Sammohan deeksha from Gurudev.Another one,a bit tedious process is tratak .
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