Birth chart of Chenghis khan ( Mongol emperor) has been given. In any horoscope ,there are twelve houses .
Below given is right order of Rashi in twelve houses
1.Aries ( मेष)
2. Taurus ( वृष)
3. Gemini( मिथुन)
4.Cancer (कर्क)
5.leo ( सिंह)
6. Virgo ( कन्या )
7. Libra ( तुला )
8. Scorpio (वृश्चिक)
9. Sagittarius(धनु )
11. Aquarius ( कुम्भ )
12. Pisces ( मीन )
In the given north indian chart ,Lagna is at 4, Cancer (कर्क) rashi. So lagna in birth chart is located ,first.
So you start from lagna house ( first house ) and goes
counter clockwise direction (in north indian chart ) counting ahead as 2,3,4,5
... till 11 and 12

First house ( lagna) - Kark rashi, planets - Nil
Second house - Leo rashi, Planets- Nil
Third house - Kanya rashi,Planets - Sun ,Mars( mangal), mercury ( budh) , Saturn(
Shani) ,Venus ( shukra), Jupiter ( brihaspati)
Fourth house - Tula Rashi, planets - moon ( chandra),Ketu
Fifth house - Vrishchik rashi, Planets -nil
Sixth house - Dhanu rashi, Planets - Nil
Seventh house - Makara rashi, Planets- Nil
Eight house - Kumbh rashi, Planets - Nil
Ninth house - Meena rashi, Planets - Nil
Tenth house - Mesha rashi, Planets - Rahu
Eleventh house - Vrish rashi, Planets - Nil
Twelveth house - Mithuna rashi, Planets - Nil
Now ,I will give the reading for Rashi and planets in house ,for all twelve houses. And that would clearly indicate Chenghis khan's personality.I refer dr. Shrimali jis authoritative books on astrology
Reading for first
Kark rashi
(Planets in first house - Nil)
The person born with Kark rashi in first house is emotional
and good hearted .When he becomes over flowing with emotions ,he won't judge
what is good or bad. Even though he works very hard , sometime he won't get
desired results. He has a great will to always continue ahead towards more
perfection in life. However to continuous problems ,sometimes he feels
inferior. He is specially interested in decoration and music singing. He keeps
on experimenting new things in life. He is very intelligent and inquisitive and
this attitude makes him successful in life. However his sensitive nature
sometimes prevent him getting down till the root of the problem. His all works
gets done even in case he lacks sufficient money.He believes in justice, he takes right decisions without any
favour to anyone and he is honest & he is famous for above traits .his
married life is not so happy .
Same as above ,
interpret all houses till twelve, both rashi & planet readings
Reading for second house
Leo ( Simha ) rashi
Planets in second house - Nil
Person's childhood is spent happily without any financial
problems.But in mid age in his life he bets all his wealth on some
uncertain things in life. He faces problems due to his sensitive nature.
However,luck favours him well. Even when he doesn't have money ,he gets all his
actions done ,,from money he gets all of sudden from somewhere.He spents more money in political affairs and affairs
related to king ( royal affairs)
Reading for third
Kanya Rashi
Planets in third house :
The person who has kanya rashi inthird house ,loves learning
sciences. His friends praise him for this attitude. He never gets help from
relatives . However his friends and people who comes in his contact ,often
helps him.He gets angry very quickly, but that anger outburst happen
only at the current situation and time. His anger suddenly comes in ,,and he
calms down quickly as well.He feels down at times
Reading for planets in third house
Sun -
He is very ambitious.he never bend down before any one. He
always plays games with enemies and takes risks. Very few persons can beat him
in matters related to brain. He becomes successful and famous in political
matters related to kingdom. He won't get full support of relatives.He is rich, happy ,pleasant and full of courage
Mars - One who has Mars in third house ,makes his way ahead
,amid difficult situations. He has good determination in mind. He considers
both positive and negative aspects before arriving in any decision.but once he
decides,he sticks to his decision. He is fond of traveling places. He gets
respect in society due to his good works ,however he may not receive any help
from State.his family life is happy. Taking risks,dangers ,incorporating new
ideas are all in his character.He is very interested in state politics and ruling and
carves his life ,himself
Mercury - He surely helps others. He has very high
intelligence power.He can analyse any situation very easily. He is fond of
reading and writing. He always strives for greater wisdom. He is adventerous
,his family life is happy
Saturn - He won't have younger brothers and incase he has,
they won't be any help to him. He is brave, active, courageous and noone can
beat him down.he is cruel and anger filled.He won't hesitate to do fearsome
works. His elder brothers may cause him troubles.He fights problems his whole life .he makes luck in his
favour by hard work .he enjoys
experimenting with his enemies. He follows rules very strictly.He has his own
rules and. Ideals and follows it .His friends are those with same nature as
his.He is a leader of administration. He makes others follow the
right path by his hard efforts
Venus - One who has Venus in third house is unlucky. He has
wealth but he won't be able to enjoy it fully. He has sharp intelligence.He can make war- plan, enemy penetration plans easily. He is
very efficient in extreme difficult situations.He is proficient in music,poetry, painting etc,those are his hobbies.He makes money through hard efforts.He has to travel a lot in the middle age of his life. His
family life looks ordinary. He may not get any special favour from his children
Jupiter - one who has Jupiter in third house has many
auspicious qualities.he faces many ups and downs in life.He faces struggles in life.But he remains strong.He is adventerous and understands any situation very quickly..He gets good education..He is expert in more than one area. He has passion for
machinery .he never gives up against enemies inspite of attacks from them
repeatedly.He is rich and leads a happy family life
Reading for the
fourth house - Tula Rashi
Planets in fourth house - moon, ketu
One who has Tula Rashi in fourth house ,is a successful
trader.He can earn money through business. He is polite & kind. He often
helps others & spends his money on religious and spiritual activities. He
is educated and honest . He enjoys all pleasures in youth & his old age is
happy and peaceful
Ketu and Moon in fourth house - Reading
Ketu in fourth house makes a person troubled in life. He
gets mental tensions in life. His relationship with his parents is appropriate.He is devoted towards his mother. There may happen
disturbances in his family. Even when there are deficiency of wealth he has
others attracted towards him due to his good name. His final year in life may
be unsuccessful and troublesome
Moon in fourth house makes him sensitive,emotional and kind.
He may have difference in opinion with relatives .He has self confidence and
satisfaction in mind ,more than that required and he remains happy in life. A
strong moon makes a person famous, rich and
influential in life.
That's first four houses interpretation to help you
understand astrology
Full twelve houses analysis , should be done, followed by methodical
study of various astrological yogas among these planets.Gurudev's books Jyotish yoga chandrika & Jyotish yoga Deepika covers all astrological combinations or Yogas in Astrology interpretation.
Guruji's book Kundali Darpan has a final chapter on practical interpretation of horoscope. So here ,next, one should understand the rashi lord planet for each house ,then understand the implication,when each of those planets are placed in each particular house in birth chart and study the drishti of other planets on it from all planets in twelve houses as per astrological rules.
Each house indicates a particular aspect in our life . Implication of rashi lord and the existing planet in each house has to be understood and analysed.(Kaaraka & Akaaraka) Kundali darpan book of gurudev has mentioned these aspects
For prashna jyotish or horary astrology ( astro analysis for answering specific question on any issue) ,check gurujis book Bharatiya jyotish .It is listed under prashna-vichar
Gurujis other books on Astrology include Varshphal darpan ( prediction for particular year) , Dashaphal darpan ( analysis study of dasha or period of each planets in persons full life span) and Janma patri rachana ( Calculative portion of Astrology)